Ahoy Shipmates,

Going to school to learn how to sail is a relatively new option.100 years ago formal nautical training was acquired by Joining the Navy or enrolling in the Merchant Marine Acadamy for 3 or more years. Most sailors simply learned the ropes by going to sea and picking up the skills of a sailor as they went along. Particularly bright young sailors were often singled out by the ship’s Captain or other officers and assisted in learning the art of navigation and other requirements necessary to properly run a ship.

Developing these skills took time and many many watery miles would pass beneath a young man’s (or woman’s) feet, before they were trusted with a vessel and given a chance to experience “the loneliness of command” for themselves.

Much has been simplified in this day and age and many modern advances, like GPS and improved yacht system design, have made it easier for an individual to make the transition from landlubber to boat captain. It is easy to imagine that you can “buy” your way into the world of sailing by outfitting your yacht with every known piece of gear, but rest assured, the sea will find your weakness. Quality instruction and wisely thought out training sessions will prepare you for the realities of the ocean.

At SailQuest Sailing School Center we offer sailing students a fantastic On-the-Water Training program which reinforces NauticEd online courses.

Our students who complete our sailing program walk away with more than just a Bareboat Captain Certificate, however. Our students have a genuine understanding of what it takes to operate a sailing yacht and an understanding that learning to sail is more than just “book learning”. They truly understand that if you really want to learn to sail and to gain the confidence it takes to go to sea on your own, then you have to spend time at sea. It is there that the ocean will show herself to you, and it is there that you will really get to know yourself and your limitations.

At SailQuest Sailing School, in addition to our Competent Crew/Bareboat Captain Courses, we have monthly join in sailing events for our students to participate in as a way to gain valuable time on the water with qualified leadership. Flotillas, regattas interesting Milebuilders and more are enjoyable join in events that will keep you sailing in good company along with other sailing school alumni.

We take a serious interest in providing students with the best sailing program possible. Please contact me directly to enroll or if you have any additional questions.

Fairwinds and Following Seas